Who's in control

So many things that can control your life. Peer pressure, drugs, alcohol and insecurity can all make you a slave to them, and slavery is the opposite of freedom. But you can be free when you know the truth Jesus talks about because He will show you how to handle all the things facing you.

Jesus told the people who had faith in Him, "If you keep on obeying what I have said, you truly are My disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. "

picked up from the "HopeXtreme " mag...

Happy Father's Day

It was a very wonderful day, parents were invited to join the MIF on 19 June 2005.
We are celebrating Father's Day and in conjunction with this wonderful event, Family Day.
A lot of activity that were play by all the membersof mif and parents.
pictures will be shown to you as soon as possible.. please be patient.... thank you...
below the pic is our mif members........ :-)

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