Church goes online for Lent (England)

The Church of England has launched a multimedia campaign to encourage consumers to behave in a more Christian manner over the period of Lent.

The Love Life Live Lent campaign hopes to give inspiration for simple things people can do to spread generosity and happiness in their community. The campaign will be delivered through two colourful booklets, an interactive website,, and a text message service.

The SMS service will send daily suggestions, starting on Monday February 19, to aid someone else’s day, including giving up your place in a traffic jam or queue, taking part in an environmental clean-up or leaving £1 in a shopping trolley.

Subscribers will be billed £1 (RM6.92), then will receive text messages over the following ten days. Any money raised that doesn’t cover running costs will be donated to Christian Aid.

The website will also feature the day’s suggestion, as well as games, resources and an opportunity to share stories.

Hummerston, G. (2007) "Church goes online for Lent" Precision Marketing. Available online :
Church+goes+online+for+Lent.html (Accessed on : 24 January 2007)


音讯组将在3月4日举办音乐创作比赛,主要是给团员们有创作的机会。参加方法很简单,只要是年龄在12岁-20岁之间,少年团或主日学的弟兄姐妹都可以参加。作品可以由一个人或以上合作创作。当然,作品必须符合基督教信仰,也必须属原创。参加者须在2月25日把作品交上,再3月4日呈现。(参赛者必须自找乐手) 创作不错的朋友也有机会赢取奖金哦!欢迎大家踊跃参与。想知道更多关于这项活动,请参阅音讯组布告板或向何颂伟及吴静惠询问详情。不要错过哦!!!



6.1.2007 大扫除


31.12.2006 - 1.1.2007 BBQ night + countdown

31.12.2006,是2006年的最后一天.少年人当然不放过这一天来团聚啦!! 我们以原始人的方式(BBQ)来享用我们的晚餐和霄夜.感谢神赐给我们美好的天气.哈哈...看到我们的笑容吗?这样就知道我们有多享受啦!!错过我们这一夜的团员们, 只好在这里诚心地祝福你们: 新年蒙恩!!

交流会@ Genting

tired faces..but with a cheerful smile :) !!各小组组长...

High 5 !!

26/12/2006-28/12/2006 交流会

26/12/2006-28/12/2006 是团契06和07职员们的交流会.相信职员们得到的感触不少.从会议,mission impossible, titanic,预备晚餐和早餐等, 一定有很好的经历.以下是交流会的一些照片.想知更多详情, 请叫职员们与你分享!!

our dinner...

meeting starts...

titanic game...