青年团§少年团BBQ nite

青年团在 25/11 (星期6) 举办BBQ night, 同时也请少年团的弟兄姐妹一起参与,交流交流。

Faith not fate.

Well, this is my opinion post. I just want to say that, MIF members (including every Christianity). The anti-Christ has a major evolution in sense of appearance and socialisation.
I came across a video clip of them and I am not going to mention it.
I have see a big evoultion of them. When I watched the clip, i felt that they followed us or i could say that we are falling?
Especially to MIF members, those who are age 12 above to 20, Please do not let your Faith down! People around that age has fallen to the things thats not from God.
More and more teenagers like you have walk the wrong path.
In what sense they change? they create songs of praise their worship Idol.
SO! what to do? CHRISTIANs.. Do your JOB! please.. please please..
The world and the society is evolving and time is coming..
PRAY and Bless in the name our our true GOD!
im so sad to watch that clip.. Believe in your Faith with God..!!!

17.11.2006 教会献堂

17.11.2006, 这一天,是我们教会有历史性的一天. 自从我们教会2005年成功地扩建后, 在这一天, 17.11.2006,是我们献堂的一天!! 在 28.10.1956, 是我们-吉隆坡卫理公会(福建堂) 教会被建造的日子.我们教会拥有50年++的历史.50年后的17.11.2006可以再次献堂,是一件荣耀上帝的见证!! 感谢上帝在50年以来,保守及看顾福建堂.以下是有关献堂的一些照片...

17.11.2006 扩建与装修的方脚石

28.10.1956 建堂的方脚石

